Could anything be more beautiful?! Ever get tired of looking at the ugly junk other sellers are offering on the Web?  This is a fine example of a first rate restoration of the most expensive instrument that Victor sold during the first decade of thw 20th century.  This is not a slap-dash antique shop "doll-up." We have spent 55 years with single-minded devotion to the restoration of antique phonographs. No other seller approaches either our level of understanding of the subject, or our artistic execution of the work. The result ---- awesome! Remember, not all Victor VI's are created equal -- what you see here is top notch example.  This instrument cost $100 in 1908 -- a small fortune at the time.  It was worth the money then, and it's still in the very upper tier of valuable instruments today!

The original factory horn decal -- we restored the horn, we did not "attack" it.  Nothing was lost in our careful restoration.  Observe the beauty of the mahogany horn.  Think you've heard a rich and full sound from a talking machine before?  Imagine the warmth of the music from this!

Original decals such as this are extremely rare. Please note the exquisite complexion of the solid mahogany cabinet.

The VI, the top-of-the-line Victor, employed a "floating" turntable system, a more sophisticated version of the company's conventional design.  The four rubber bumpers at the points of the compass insure that the edge of the trurntable could never mar the mahogany finish.

All the gold plated hardware has been scrupulously reinvigorated with 24 karat gold -- a colossal investment of time and money.  Please note the perfect original gold filigree on the black back bracket.  The soundbox (needlehead) is perhaps the most important component.  Without a properly tuned and adjusted soundbox, you have nothing but good looks. Phonophan sells good looks AND great sound! We have professionally rebuilt and calibrated the soundbox.

The triple-spring motor -- perfectly tuned and adjusted. In keeping with the posh nature of this instrument, it is nickel-plated. We spare no effort or expense when it comes to regulating the mechanics. We spent hours tuning and ajusting this motor to make it run as smoothly and quietly as possible. plus we installed three new mainsprings to make sure you have plenty of power to play your records. What do you get from some other dealers? -- mainsprings patched together with sheet metal screws, or soft nails replacing hardened pins.  Other dealers make epoxy repairs, or apply heavy finishes to hide blemishes -- all done out of ignorance, or a need to jury rig it as cheaply as possible, and push it out the door.   

The ultimate investment in yourself -- a sweet-sounding, spectacular-looking, top-of-the-line instrument!

Price: $6250.00 US  plus s/h (NY State residents must add sales tax if applicable).


Telephone: 585-244-5546


               PO Box 747

               Henrietta, NY 14467 USA

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